CS 415 - Agile Game Development

Game Engine Analysis


Working individually, analyze and compare different game engines as possible candidate for using in the course project.

What to do?

Consider a hypothetical game you might implement as a course project. Briefly describe this game and use it as a context for analyzing the game engines below. Identify five different modern game engines that are free for educational use. For each game engine, address the following:

  1. Provide some background information about the engine and its developers. Mention a few noteworthy games developed using this engine.
  2. What makes this engine different from the rest and why? Explain.
  3. What are the technical skill requirements for using this engine? Do you have them? Explain in detail.
  4. Are there any possible hardware and/or software requirements for this engine? Will they create any obstacles if your team decides to use this engine in the course project? If so, how are you planning to resolve these obstacles?

You must write at least one full page about each game engine. Separate the material about different engines with appropriate headings.

Your answer to each question must be provided in a separate paragraph. Do not copy the questions above into your writing.

What to submit?

A single PDF document, single spaced, with 1 inch margins all around.

Your name, class, date, and document title must be clearly indicated on the first page.