Special Track on Machine Learning
Casa Monica Hotel
St. Augustine, Florida
May 11-15, 2003
In cooperation with The American Association
for Artificial Intelligence
Call for Papers
The Machine Learning track at FLAIRS-03 is intended to provide an international
forum for discussing the latest results in the area of Machine Learning
(ML). It will be organized within the framework of the FLAIRS conference
that traditionally brings together researchers and practitioners from a
wide range of AI related areas. As a core AI topic, ML always responds
to the general AI trends. The current AI developments related to the World
Wide Web are no exception. Accordingly the track will focus on modern ML
approaches as Agent and Web related learning. All traditional ML approaches
will also be included. Specifically we invite submissions that fall within
the following topics:
Agent learning
Applications of machine learning
Automated knowledge acquisition
Computational learning theory
Conceptual clustering
Explanation-based learning
Function approximation
Inductive logic programming
Instance-based learning
Instructable agents
Learning from relational data
Learning for planning
Knowledge intensive learning
Machine learning of natural language
Mixed-initiative learning
Multi-agent learning
Multistrategy learning
Ontology learning
Reinforcement learning
Statistical approaches
Web related learning
Along with the Agent and Web learning, papers describing real-life applications
of ML are especially encouraged. High quality papers in any other area
of Machine Learning are also welcomed.
Submission Guidelines
All submissions must be original work. The complete manuscript must be
no more than 10 double-spaced pages (3400 words) in length in Postscript
or PDF format. Papers will also be accepted for review in the format used
for publication (See "Guidelines for Accepted Papers" behind this
link). In this case, papers should be no more that 5 pages in length
in Postscript or PDF format.
Papers should not identify the author(s) in any manner. If you are not
using the electronic submission system, please submit one cover page containing
the title of your paper, author name(s) and contact information (fax, email,
postal mail, and phone), an abstract (100 words maximum), and a list of
keywords (in decreasing order of relevance). In case of multiple authors,
all correspondence will be sent to the first author unless otherwise requested.
Authors submitting papers electronically will provide this information
via the electronic paper submission form. The deadline for paper submissions
is November 8, 2002. Notification of acceptance will be mailed on
January 7, 2003. Authors of accepted papers will be expected to submit
the final camera-ready copy of their full papers by February 17, 2003.
Complete information about the paper submission process along with the
electronic paper submission procedure can be found here.
Journal Publication
The Editor-In-Chief of the International Journal on Artificial Intelligence
Tools (IJAIT) will have a special issue of the journal devoted to FLAIRS-03.
After the conference authors of selected papers will be invited to submit
revised versions of their papers for journal publication.
Important Dates
Paper submissions due: November 8, 2002
Notification letters sent: January 7, 2002
Camera ready copy due: February 17, 2002
Conference: May 11-15, 2003
Program Committee
Diane Cook, University
of Texas at Arlington
Altay Güvenir,
Bilkent University
Henry Hexmoor, University
of Arkansas
Lawrence Holder, University
of Texas at Arlington
Igor Kononenko,
University of Ljubljana
Miroslav Kubat,
University of Miami
Zdravko Markov (chair),
Central Connecticut State University
Robnik Sikonja, University of Ljubljana
Gheorghe Tecuci,
George Mason University
Gerhard Widmer,
Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence
Further Information
Questions regarding the track should be addressed to:
Zdravko Markov
Department of Computer Science, Central Connecticut State University
1615 Stanley Street, New Britain, CT 06050
Phone: (860) 832-2711
Fax: (860) 832-2712
E-mail: markovz@ccsu.edu
General questions concerning the conference should be addressed to:
Doug Dankel
E-mail: ddd@cise.ufl.edu
(352) 392-1387
Conference Web Sites