Special Track on Machine Learning
Crown Plaza Pensacola Grand
May 16-18, 2002
In cooperation with The American Association
for Artificial Intelligence
Paper submission deadline has
been extended until Monday, November 19, 2001.
Call for Papers
The Machine Learning track at FLAIRS-2002 is intended to provide an international
forum for discussing the latest research results in Machine Learning (ML).
It will be organized within the framework of the FLAIRS conference that
traditionally brings together researchers and practitioners from a wide
range of AI related areas. Among these there are many ML sub areas or areas
related to ML, such as Case-Based Reasoning, Knowledge Discovery, Data
Mining and Robotics. To avoid possible overlapping with these and other
areas of interest at FLAIRS-2002 we focus this track mainly on classical
machine learning approaches (including some new ones as well). Specifically
we invite submissions that fall within the following topics:
Applications of machine learning
Automated knowledge acquisition
Computational learning theory
Conceptual clustering
Explanation-based learning
Function approximation
Inductive logic programming
Instance-based learning
Instructable agents
Learning from relational data
Learning for planning
Knowledge intensive learning
Machine learning of natural language
Mixed-initiative learning
Multi-agent learning
Multistrategy learning
Ontology learning
Reinforcement learning
Statistical approaches
Papers describing real-life applications of ML are especially encouraged.
High quality papers in any other area of Machine Learning are also welcomed.
Submission Guidelines
Interested authors must submit an electronic copy of their complete
manuscript of no more than 5 pages (3400 words) by November 4, 2001. All
submissions must be original and previously unpublished work.
Authors should format their paper according to AAAI
guidelines. The paper should not identify the author(s)
in any manner. Please submit a separate cover page (ASCII or HTML
format) containing the title of your paper, author name(s) and contact
information (fax, email, postal mail, and phone), an abstract (maximum
100 words), and a list of keywords (in decreasing order of relevance).
In case of multiple authors, all correspondence will be sent to the first
author unless otherwise requested.
Papers will be refereed by at least two members of the program committee
(or other reviewers appointed by PC members) and those accepted for presentation
will appear in the conference proceedings published by AAAI Press. At least
one author must attend the conference and present the paper. The paper
will not be included in the proceedings without an accompanying registration.
Papers should be submitted electronically to: markovz@ccsu.edu.
Please send a message with two attachments:
The paper (title and text without author name(s)) preferably in PostScript
or PDF format.
The cover page in ASCII or HTML format.
Important Dates
Paper submissions due: November 19, 2001
Notification letters sent: January 3, 2002
Camera ready copy due: March 4, 2002
Conference: May 16-18, 2002
Program Committee
Gennady Agre, Bulgarian Academy
of Sciences
Diane Cook, University
of Texas at Arlington
Altay Güvenir,
Bilkent University
Henry Hexmoor, University
of Arkansas
Lawrence Holder, University
of Texas at Arlington
Igor Kononenko,
University of Ljubljana
Miroslav Kubat,
University of Miami
Zdravko Markov (chair),
Central Connecticut State University
Gheorghe Tecuci,
George Mason University
Gerhard Widmer,
Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence
Further Information
Questions regarding the track should be addressed to:
Zdravko Markov
Department of Computer Science, Central Connecticut State University
1615 Stanley Street, New Britain, CT 06050, USA
Phone: (860) 832-2711
Fax: (860) 832-2712
E-mail: markovz@ccsu.edu
Machine Learning special track web page: http://www.cs.ccsu.edu/~markov/flairs2002-ml.html
FLAIRS-2002 conference web page: http://altair.coginst.uwf.edu/~jkolen/Flairs2002/intro.php3