CS 110 - Introduction to Internet Programming and Applications
Classes: MW 9:25 am - 10:40 am, classroom: Maria Sanford Hall 310
Instructor: Dr. Zdravko Markov, 30307 Maria Sanford Hall, (860)-832-2711,
e-mail: markovz at ccsu dot edu
Office hours: MTWR 10:45am - 12:00pm, or by appointment
Catalog description: Skill Area II Examination of physical infrastructure
of local and wide area networks, internet protocol implementation, world-wide
web interface programming, interactive Java applet, and Visual Basic web
Course objectives: Upon successful completion of the course the
student will be able to
understand the basic concepts of the Internet, the Web and online communication;
use the basic features of web browsers, such as Internet Explorer;
use email, ftp, and Web search engines;
create simple web pages using HTML and CSS;
write simple programs using JavaScript.
No textbook is required, course material is provided in this web page
and in Blackboard Learn
Web Resources
Lab assignments and tests: There will be 10 lab assignments
and 2 tests (midterm and final). During lab assignments students
will work in class on hands-on problems. Students must work on each assignment
individually. Then they will submit the results of their work through the
class page in Blackboard Learn course management system available at https://learn-ccsu.ct.edu/.
Grading: The final grade is based 50% on test grades(midterm
and final) and 50% on lab assigmnets and will be affected by
classroom participation, conduct and attendance. The letter grade will
be calculated according to the following table:
A |
A- |
B+ |
B |
B- |
C+ |
C |
C- |
D+ |
D |
D- |
F |
95-100 |
90-94 |
87-89 |
84-86 |
80-83 |
77-79 |
74-76 |
70-73 |
67-69 |
64-66 |
60-63 |
0-59 |
Unexcused late submission policy: Assignments submitted more
than two days after the due date will be graded one letter grade
down. Submissions more than a week late will receive
letter grades down. No submissions will be accepted
than two weeks after the due date.
Honesty policy: The CCSU honor code for Academic Integrity is
in effect in this class. It is expected that all students will conduct
themselves in an honest manner and NEVER claim work which is not their
own. Violating this policy will result in a substantial grade penalty,
and may lead to expulsion from the University. You may find it online at
Please read it carefully.
Attendance: All students are expected to attend class sessions
regularly. In case of missed classes and work due to plausible reasons
(such as illness or accidents) limitted assistance will be offered. Unexcused
absences will result in the student being totally responsible for the make-up
Students with disabilities:
Students who believe they need course accommodations based on the impact of a
disability, medical condition, or emergency should contact me
privately to discuss their specific needs. I will need a copy of
the accommodation letter from Student Disability Services in order to arrange
class accommodations. Contact Student Disability Services, Willard Hall,
101-04 if you are not already registered with them. Student Disability Services
maintains the confidential documentation of your disability and assists you
in coordinating reasonable accommodations with your faculty.
Tentative schedule of classes, assignments and tests (by week)
Note: Dates for classes, labs and tests may change (see also
Calendar). Additional material may be posted. Check the schedule regularly
for updates!
Sep 3, 8: Overview
of the Internet and the Web
URLs and IP addresses as unique Internet IDs
Data and file transmission across the Internet
Transmission protocols
Internet connections
Domain Name System (DNS)
IP addresses and DNS: ipconfig, nslookup, ping, tracert in DOS window
Sep 10, 15: Overview
of the Internet and the Web (cont.)
Client/server model: URL, protocols, file, http, ftp, telnet
Secure connection (HTTPS)
Network share (M: drive)
Blackboard Learn course management system
Exercises: URL, protocols, file, http, ftp, telnet, using the M: drive
and Blackboard Learn
Lab 1: Using Blackboard
Learn course management system
Sep 17: Web
Browsers and Email
Browser tasks
Browser window structure
Micorsoft Internet Explorer
Managing browsers: cache, plug-ins, and customization
Managing Web surfing: boomarks, privacy, and security
E-mail protocols: SMTP, POP3, IMAP, MIME (chp03_final.ppt)
Content, attachments
E-mail clients versus Web-based e-mail
E-mail software
E-mail activities: receive, read, send, reply, autoreply, forward, delete,
Putting information on the web (text, links, images): create a simple web
page with Notepad, send it to a server and access it using a browser.
Using browsers: managing windows, identifying different areas in the browser
window (right click menu), saving/loading images and files, viewing page
Managing browser settings: bookmarks, cache, history, plug-ins, cookies.
Sep 17: Lab 2: Extracting information
from web pages
Sep 22, 24: Using the Web, Web Search
The Web
Challenges (How to turn the web data into web knowledge)
Topic directories (Open Directory Project)
Web crawlers and search engines
Information Retrival
Search techniques: words, exact phrase, Boolean operators, title, site,
url, link
Web page ranking (Vector Space Model)
Semantic Web
Web security and privacy issues
Based Ranking
Further reading (optional)
Sep 29, Oct 1: Basics of HTML
Three views of Web pages: URL, browser display, and document
Web sites and Web pages
HTML Editors
HTML Versions: HTML - HTML5
HTML tags and elements
Text formatting: titles, headings, breaks, paragraphs, emphasis
Create HTML documents with MS Word and Netscape Composer
- Tryit
Editor, Create/Edit HTML documents with Notepad
- Oct 1:
Lab 3: Basic HTML
text formatting
- Oct 6, (No class on Oct 8), Oct 13:
Basics of HTML (cont.)
HTML Style, Properties (font-family, color, and font-size)
Ordered list
Unordered list
Nested list
Exercises: Tryit
Editor, Create/Edit HTML documents with Notepad
- Oct 13:
Lab 4:
Structuring HTML documents
- Oct 15, 20:
HTML Images and Links
- Oct 22:
Test (20%)
- Oct 27:
HTML Tables
Structure and variables
Layout design
Rows and columns
Headings and cells
Tabulating data
Formatting via tables
Exercises: Creating tables (Tryit
Editor, Notepad, IE)
- Oct 27:
Lab 6: HTML document
with tables
- Oct 29, Nov 3:
Web page layout and navigation
- Nov 5, 10:
HTML Forms
Data collection over the Web
Active Server Pages (ASP)
Name/value pairs
Input elements: text fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, drop-down list,
submit and reset buttons
Formatting forms with tables
Exercises: Creating forms (Tryit
Editor, IE)
- Nov 10:
Lab 8: Create a web
page with forms
- Nov 12, 17:
Cascading Style Sheets
Separation of Webpage content and formatting
CSS syntax
Linking CSS and HTML
Inheritance and Cascading order
Box model
Font properties
Text properties
Content positioning
- Nov 17:
Lab 9: Create an HTML
page using a style sheet
Read HTML tutorial (http://w3schools.com/html/default.asp):
HTML Styles (internal, external, inline)
Read CSS Tutorial (http://w3schools.com/css/default.asp):
Syntax, Selectors (element, ID, class), Background, Text, Font, List
CSS Examples (http://w3schools.com/css/css_examples.asp)
- Nov 18:
Submit Lab 9 (BB Learn,
Lab 9 link)
- Nov 19, 24:
Topics: HTML scripts, JavaScript syntax, Statements, Comments, Variables,
Operators, If...Else, Popup Boxes, For Loop, While Loops.
Exercises: Tryit
Editor, IE
Read HTML Scripts (http://w3schools.com/html/html_scripts.asp)
Read JavaScript Tutorial (http://w3schools.com/js/default.asp):
Introduction, Output, HTML Events (Click Event), Popup Alert, Syntax, Comments,
Variables, Operators, Conditions (If...Else), For Loop, While Loop.
- Dec 1, 3:
JavaScript (cont.)
- Dec 8:
Review of HTML and JavaScript
- Monday, Dec 15, 8-10am:
Final Exam (see Review Topics)
The World Wide Web
A little history
1989, CERN: distribution of linked documents (nuclear physics)
1991, text-based prototype
1993, First graphical interface - Mosaic
1994: WWW consortium (CERN, MIT):
Underlying technology - the
Internet, History
of Internet
URLs and IP addresses as unique Internet IDs
Data and file transmission across the Internet
File protocols, compression and decompression
Intranets and Extranets
Internet connections
Models of communication
Web - a client/server arcitecture
The client side
Web documents (pages) connected via hyperlinks (hypertext).
Hyperlinks: highlighted strings in text or images.
Browsers (text-based or graphical): tools for navigating the WEB.
Forms and Java applets
The server side
URL (Uniform Resource Locator): <protocol name>://<machine name>/<file
name>, e.g. http://www.w3.org/History.html
Steps of fetching http://www.w3.org/History.html
The browser determines the URL
The browser asks the local DNS (Domain Name System) server for the IP (Internet
Protocol) address
DNS replies with
The browser makes a TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) connection to port
80 on
It then sends a GET /hypertext/WWW/History.html
The www.w3.org server send the file History.html
The TCP connection is released
The browser displays all the text in History.html
The browser displays all the images in History.html (new TCP connection
for each image)
Example of HTTP protocol in text:
C: telnet www.w3.org 80
T: Trying ...
T: Connected to www.w3.org
T: Escape character is '^]'
C: GET /hypertext/WWW/TheProject.html HTTP/1.0
HTTP/1.0 200 Document follows
MIME-Version: 1.0
Server: CERN/3.0
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 8247
<HEAD><TITLE> The World Wide Web Consortium
<H1><IMG ALIGN=MIDDLE ALT="W3C" SRC="Icons/WWW/w3c_main.gif">
The World Wide Web Consortium </H><P>
The World Wide Web is the universe of network-accessible
URL (Universal Resource Locator): a mechanism for naming and locating Web
<Protocol>://<DNS name of the host>/<File name (with possible
shortcuts, e.g. ~user)>
HTTP. e.g. http://www.cs.ccsu.edu/~markov/
FTP or SFTP (File Transfer Protocol), e.g. ftp://ftp.andrew.cmu.edu/
or use an FTP client (ftp in command prompt or putty.exe).
File: accessing a local file, e.g. /usr/pages/mypage.html
Mailto (sending an e-mail from a Web browser), e.g. mailto:markovz@ccsu.edu
Telnet or SSH (establish an on-line connection to a remote machine): psftp.exe
Using other protocols
HTTP Browser <---> FTP server
HTTP Browser <---> FTP Proxy server <---> FTP server
Proxy servers: translating protocols, caching pages, filtering information
HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
Simple (GET without the protocol version) and full requests
Methods (commands)
GET: request to read a Web page encoded in MIME (Multipurpose Internet
Mail Extensions - adding a header to describe the encoding)
HEAD: request to read a Web page header
PUT: request to store a Web page (may include authentication headers)
POST: request to append new data to a Web page (e.g. posting a message
to a news group)
DELETE: request to delete a Web page (may include authentication headers)
LINK: Connects two existing pages
UNLINK: breaks an existing connection between two pages
Writing Web pages in HTML
The HTML language
Standardized markup language: how the documents are to be formatted and
reformatted (e.g. LaTeX), contrasted to WYSIWYG (not standardized, does
not allow reformatting)
Tags with parameters, e.g. <IMG SRC ="http://www.widget.com/image.gif"
ALT="AWI Logo">
<A HREF="http://www.nasa.gov"> NASA's home page </A>
<A HREF="http://www.nasa.gov"> <IMG SRC="shuttle.gif" ALT="NASA">
Forms (HTML 2.0): two-way trafic between the page owner and page user,
<INPUT> tag. Example: Look-Up
CGI (Common Gateway Interface): a standard for handling forms' data. Example:
interfacing a database:
Write a script (program) to interface between a database and the Web
Store the script in the cgi-bin directory under an URL.
When retrieves a page located in cgi-bin the HTTP server executes
the script.
Put the script name in the ACTION parameter of the form.
The browser invokes the operation specified in METHOD (usually POST)
The script is started and presented with the form input data.
After the database retrieval the script produce an HTML file, which is
sent back to the browser.
This mechanism can be used to include selected ads in the Web page depending
on what the user is looking for.
Implementing highly interactive Web pages
Running applications and using remote servers or databases
Adding animation and sound to the Web page without spawning and external
No need of standard for the Web protocols (HTTP, FTP etc.)
The Java system for the Web
A Java-to-bytecode compiler
A browser that understands applets (<APPLET> tag)
A bytecode interpreter
Security issues
Problem: running a program on the client's machine (possible crash, collecting
private information, consuming resources)
First barrier: strong typed language - array bounds checking, no pointers
(thus no memory access)
Second barrier: bytecode verifier
Third barrier: class loader (loading first system classes before looking
for user classes)
Fourth barrier: security measures built in the classes, e.g. file access
class (asking user if the applet needs file access).
Locating information on the Web
Web Challenges (How to turn the web data into web knowledge)
Web Search Engines
Topic Directories
Semantic Web
Crawling the Web
Information Retrieval and Web Search
Semantic Web
Midterm (25%)
Internet and the Web
Client/server model: URL, protocols, file, http, ftp, telnet
Data and file transmission across the Internet
URLs and IP addresses as unique Internet IDs
IP addresses and DNS: ipconfig, ping, tracert in DOS window
Web Browsers
Browser tasks
Browser window structure
Micorsoft Internet Explorer
Using browsers: managing windows, identifying different areas in the browser
window (right click menu), saving/loading images and files, viewing page
Managing browser settings: bookmarks, cache, history, plug-ins, cookies
Using the Web, Web Search
Topic directories (Open Directory Project)
Web crawlers and search engines
Search techniques: words, exact phrase, Boolean operators, title, site,
url, link
Web page ranking: content-based and hyperlink-based
Basics of HTML
Three views of Web pages: URL, browser display, and document
Web sites and Web pages
Text formatting: titles, breaks, paragraphs, emphasis
Font size, color and face
Ordered list
Unordered list
Nested list
HTML Images and Links
Pixels and resolution
Image file format
The image tag and its attributes
The anchor tag and its attributes
Sample problems
Multiple choice questions
Which of the following tags can be used to create a heading
A. <h1>
B. <h2>
C. <h3>
D. All of the above
True/False questions
Each computer on the Internet has its own IP address
A. True B. False
HTML coding questions
A. Add HTML tags to the following text so that the browser
displays it exactly as shown below:
This is heading level 2
Here we start a paragraph. This line is broken here
and then continues on the next line.
This text is shown in italics. This text is shown underlined.
The following is an ordered list:
This is list item 1
This is list item 2. It is further broken down into subitems represented
as an unordered list.
This is list item 3
B. Write an HTML fragment to insert in a web page the image
from a file named "picture.jpg" in an area 100 pixels high and 200 pixels
C. Write an HTML fragment to create a link to the web
page with URL "http://www.ccsu.edu/" and link text "CCSU". The page should
open in a new window.
Final Exam (25%)
Review Topics
The Internet (communication protocols, security, privacy)
The Web (Web documents, URL, clients, servers)
Web Browsers (features, use)
Email (tools, protocols, etiquette)
Developing Web Pages with HTML and Javascript programming
HTML text formating
CSS (inline, internal, external)
Embedding JavaScript in HTML
Syntax (statements, comment, functions)
Input (prompt box, text field)
Output (manipulating HTML elements, writing to the document output)
Variables (numbers, strings)
Operators (arithmetic expressions, + for concatenation and addition)
Running JavaScript programs (order of execution, events, onclick attribute)