Professor of Computer Science, Central Connecticut State University
Address: 1615 Stanley Street, New Britain, CT 06050, USA
Phone: 860-832-2711
Office: 30307 Maria Sanford Hall
E-mail: markovz at ccsu dot edu
Zdravko Markov and Daniel T. Larose, Data Mining the Web: Uncovering
Patterns in Web Content, Structure, and Usage, Wiley, April 2007.
Buy the book from Wiley (free excerpts available: Chapter 1, TOC, Index)
My research interests are mainly in the field of Machine Learning and more specifically in Data/Web Mining, MDL Learning, and Clustering.
My previous research was in Logic Programming and Inductive Logic Programming.
For results see bibliography and software.
Ingrid Russell, Zdravko Markov. An Introduction to the Weka Data Mining System.
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE 2017), Seattle, WA, USA, March 8-11, 2017. ACM 2017, ISBN 978-1-4503-4698-6, 742. Abstract, PDF
Markov, Z., Ingrid Russell, An Introduction to the WEKA Data Mining
System, Workshop #5 at The 39th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science
Education (SIGCSE 2008), Portland, Oregon, March 12-15, 2008. Full text:
Some systems or programs I have developed are available on the
MDLclustering: Algorithms for unsupervised attribute ranking,
discretization and clustering available as Java classes through a
command-line interface. Available here, or from
KDnuggets news.
Machine Learning Programs and Laboratory Experiments in Prolog:
A collection of Prolog programs implementing popular ML algorithms along with
Labs. Available here.
Artificial Intelligence Algorithms in Prolog: A collection
of Prolog programs implementing popular AI algorithms. Available here.
Lambda Inductive Logic Programming (LILP): An ILP algorithm
for learning from positive-only examples. Available from here (see the readme.txt
Lambda GENeralization (LGEN): Another algorithm for learning
from positive-only examples. Available here (see the readme.txt
Zprolog: A command-line window Prolog interpreter. Available as
a ZIP archive from here.
Zdravko Markov, Relational Learning, in Seel, Norbert (Ed.), Encyclopedia
of the Sciences of Learning, Springer, 2012, ISBN: 978-1-4419-1428-6, pp.2806-2809.
Zdravko Markov and Daniel Larose, Data Mining the Web: Uncovering
Patterns in Web Content, Structure, and Usage, Wiley, April 2007.
Dochev, D., Ch. Dichev, Z. Markov, G. Agre. Programming in Prolog
- principles and applications, Nauka i Iskustvo, Sofia, 1989 (in Bulgarian).
Markov, Z. Inductive Methods for Machine Learning, TEMPUS JEN 1497
& SOFTEX, 1996 (in Bulgarian).
Agre, G., Markov, Z., Dochev, D. Introduction to Machine Learning,
TEMPUS JEN 1497 & SOFTEX, 2001 (in Bulgarian).
International Conference, Journal Papers, Editorials:
Keith Brawner, Vasile Rus, Roman Bart k, Zdravko Markov.
Report on the Thirty-First International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS-31). AI Magazine 39(4): 23-24 (2018).
Vasile Rus, Zdravko Markov, Ingrid Russell.
Report on the Thirtieth International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS-30). AI Magazine 38(3): 70-71 (2017).
Ingrid Russell, Zdravko Markov. An Introduction to the Weka Data Mining System.
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE 2017), Seattle, WA, USA, March 8-11, 2017. ACM 2017, ISBN 978-1-4503-4698-6, 742. Abstract, PDF
Zdravko Markov, Ingrid Russell, William Eberle.
Report on the 29th International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS-29). AI Magazine 37(4): 81-82 (2016).
Zdravko Markov, Ingrid Russell (Editors).
FLAIRS-29 Poster Abstracts. Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference, FLAIRS 2016, Key Largo, Florida, May 16-18, 2016. AAAI Press 2016, ISBN 978-1-57735-756-8, 702.
Zdravko Markov, Ingrid Russell (Editors).
Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference, FLAIRS 2016, Key Largo, Florida, May 16-18, 2016. AAAI Press 2016, ISBN 978-1-57735-756-8.
Zdravko Markov, Ingrid Russell (Editors). Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth International Florida
Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference, FLAIRS 2016, Key Largo, Florida, May 16-18, 2016.
AAAI Press 2016, ISBN 978-1-57735-756-8.
Zdravko Markov. MDL-Based Hierarchical Clustering, Proceedings of the IEEE 14th International
Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA 2015), December 9-11, 2015, Miami, Florida, USA, pp. 464-467.
Zdravko Markov. MDL-Based Unsupervised Attribute Ranking,
Proceedings of the 26th International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS-26),
St. Pete Beach, Florida, USA, May 22-24, 2013, AAAI Press 2013, pp. 444-449.
FLAIRS-2013 Presentation.pdf
Ingrid Russell, Susan Coleman, Zdravko Markov. A contextualized project-based
approach for improving student engagement and learning in AI courses, Proceedings
of Second Computer Science Education Research Conference (CSERC-12), ACM
New York, NY, USA 2012, pp. 9-15,
Darina Dicheva, Zdravko Markov and Eliza Stefanova
(Editors). Third International Conference on Software, Services and Semantic
Technologies (S3T 2011), Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing Volume
101, Springer, 2011, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-23163-6. (
Ingrid Russell, Zdravko Markov, Joy Dagher. A contextualized
project-based approach for improving student engagement and learning in
AI courses. ITiCSE 2011: 368
Russell, I., Z. Markov, T. Neller, M. and S. Coleman.
MLeXAI: A Project-Based Application-Oriented Model. The ACM Transactions
on Computing Education, TOCE 10(3), 2010.
Russell, I., Z. Markov. A Multi-Institutional Project-Centric
Framework for Teaching AI Concepts, 39th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education
Conference, October 18 - 21, 2009, San Antonio, TX.
Rus, V., Russell, I., Markov, Z. (2009). MLxEAI:
Biomedical Term Classification, The Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges,
24(5), pages 85-92.
Markov, Z., L. Holder, I. Jonyer, and D. Bisant
(Guest Editors). Special Issue on FLAIRS 2007: Machine Learning, Data Mining
and Neural Networks, International Journal of Artificial Intelligence
Tools (IJAIT), Vol. 17, No. 3 (June 2008).
Wallace, S., Ingrid Russell, and Zdravko Markov.
Integrating Games and Machine Learning in the Undergraduate Computer Science
Classroom, Microsoft Academic Days on Game Development in Computer Science
Education (GDCSE'08), Aboard the Celebrity Century Cruise Ship, February
28 - March 3, 2008. (
Neller T., Ingrid Russell, and Zdravko Markov. Throw
Down an AI Challenge, Using AI to motivate greater participation in Computer
Science, AAAI Spring Symposium, Stanford University, March 26 - 28, 2008.
Holder, L., Z. Markov and I. Russell. Advances in
Knowledge Acquisition and Representation, International Journal on Artificial
Intelligence Tools (IJAIT), Vol. 15, No. 6 (2006) 867-874. (
Russell, I., Z. Markov and L. Holder (Guest
Editors). Special Issue on FLAIRS 2005: Knowledge Acquisition and Representation,
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Tools (IJAIT),
Vol. 15, No. 6 (December 2006).
Neller T., Clifton G.M. Presser, Ingrid Russell,
Zdravko Markov. Pedagogical Possibilities for the Dice Game Pig, Journal
of Computing Sciences in Colleges, Vol. 21, no. 6, pp. 149-161, June
2006. (
Markov, Z., I. Russell, T. Neller, N. Zlatareva.
Pedagogical Possibilities for the N-Puzzle Problem, Proceedings of the 36th
Annual Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE 2006), San Diego, California,
October 28 - 31, 2006. (
Russell, I., Z. Markov, T. Neller. Teaching Al through
Machine Learning Projects, Proceedings of the 11th Annual SIGCSE Conference
on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE06), June
26-28, 2006, Bologna, Italy, 323. (
Neller T., Zdravko Markov, Ingrid Russel. Clue Deduction:
Professor Plum Teaches Logic, Proceedings of the 19th International FLAIRS
Conference (FLAIRS-2006), Melbourne Beach, Florida, May 11-13, 2006, 214-219.
Ingrid Russell, Zdravko Markov, Lawrence B. Holder,
Diane Cook: The 2005 International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research
Society Conference: A Report. AI Magazine 27(1): 109-113 (2006).
Markov, Z., I. Russell, T. Neller, and S. Coleman.
“Enhancing Undergraduate AI Courses through Machine Learning Projects”, Proceedings
of the 35th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, October 2005, Indianapolis,
IN. (
Russell, I., Z. Markov, T. Neller, M. Georgiopoulos
and S. Coleman. Unifying an Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Course
through Machine Learning Laboratory Experiences, Proceedings of the 25th
American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition,
Portland, Oregon, June 12-15, 2005, ASEE Press. (
Ingrid Russell, Zdravko Markov (Editors): Proceedings
of the Eighteenth International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research
Society Conference, Clearwater Beach, Florida, USA, AAAI Press 2005.
Ingrid Russell, Zdravko Markov, Brian Carse, Anthony
G. Pipe, Lawrence B. Holder (Editorial). International Journal of Pattern
Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (IJPRAI), Vol. 19(2): 129-132
Lawrence B. Holder, Ingrid Russell, Zdravko Markov,
Anthony G. Pipe, Brian Carse. Current And Future Trends In Feature Selection
And Extraction For Classification Problems, International Journal of Pattern
Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (IJPRAI), Vol. 19(2): 133-142
(2005). (
Zdravko Markov, Valerie Barr (Guest Editors). Special
Issue on Selected Papers from the 17-th International FLAIRS Conference (FLAIRS-2004),
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Tools (IJAIT),
Vol. 14, No. 1 & 2, February & April 2005.
Valerie Barr, Zdravko Markov (Editors). Proceedings
of the 17th International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Symposium
Conference (FLAIRS-2004), Miami Beach, Florida, AAAI Press 2004.
Russell, I., Z. Markov and N. Zlatareva. Introducing
Machine Learning from an AI Perspective, Proceedings of the 13th
International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks and Neural Information
Processing (ICANN/ICONIP 2003), 469-473. (
Boytcheva, S and Z. Markov. An algorithm for inducing
least generalization under relative implication, in: Proceedings of FLAIRS-2002,
Pensacola, Florida, May 14-16, 2002, AAAI Press, 2002, 322-326 (
Markov, Z. An algebraic approach to inductive learning,
the International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Tools (IJAIT),
Vol. 10, No.1-2 (2001), 257-272. (
Markov, Z. A lattice-based approach to hierarchical
clustering, in: Proceedings of FLAIRS-2001, Key West, Florida, May 21-23,
2001, AAAI Press, 2001, 389-393 (
Markov, Z. and I. Marinchev. Coverage-based semi-distance
between Horn clauses, in: S. Cerri and D. Dochev (eds.), Proceedings
of AIMSA'2000, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 1904, Springer 2000,
331-339 (
Markov, Z. and I. Marinchev. Metric-based inductive
learning using semantic height functions, in: Ramon López de Mántaras,
Enric Plaza (eds.), Proceedings of ECML-2000, Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Vol. 1810, Springer, 2000, 254-262 (
Markov, Z. Generalization under Implication by lambda-Subsumption, in: David Page
(ed.), Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Inductive Logic
Programming (ILP-98), Madison, Wisconsin, USA, July 22-24, 1998, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 1446, Springer, 1998, 215-224.
Agre, G., Ch. Dichev, Z. Markov. Task Editor - A
Knowledge Acquisition Tool for Task Analysis, in: P. Navrat, H. Ueno (Eds.),
Knowledge-Based Software Engineering, IOS Press, 1998, 191-194.
Markov, Z. and N. Pelov. A framework for Inductive
Learning Based on Subsumption Lattices, in: F. Guinchiglia (ed.), Proceedings
of AIMSA'98, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol.1480,
Springer, 1998, 341-352.
Markov, Z. Lambda-Subsumption and Its Application
to Learning from Positive-only Examples, in: S. Muggleton (ed.), Proceedings
of the 6th International Workshop on Inductive Logic Programming (ILP-96),
Stockholm, August, 1996, Selected Papers, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence,
Vol.1314, Springer, 1997, 377-396.
Markov, Z. A Model-theoretic Approach to ILP for
Learning from Positive-only Examples, in: A. Ramsay (ed.), Artificial
Intelligence: Methodology, Systems, Applications, IOS Press, 1996, 41-50.
Markov, Z. Inductive Logic Programming, Problems
of Engineering Cybernetic and Robotics, Vol.42,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1995, 56-65.
Markov, Z. A Functional Approach to ILP, in: Luc
De Raedt (ed.), Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop in Inductive
Logic Programming (ILP-95), Scientific report, Department of Computer
Science, K.U. Leuven, September, 1995, 267-280.
Markov, Z. and L. Sinapova. A Framework for Network
Modeling, Computers and Artificial Intelligence, Vol.13 (1994), No.6,
Bratislava, 577-593.
Markov, Z. Dynamic Induction in Network of Relations,
in: Ph. Jorrand and V. Sgurev (Eds.), Proceedings of AIMSA'94, World
Scientific, 1994, 239-246.
Markov, Z. Relational Learning by Heuristic Evaluation
of Ground Data, in: S. Wrobel (Ed.), Proceedings of Fourth International
Workshop on Inductive Logic Programming (ILP-94), September 12- 14, 1994,
Bad Honnef/Bon, Germany, GMD-Studien Nr.237, 337-349.
Markov, Z. Inductive Inference in Networks of Relations,
in: Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Inductive Logic
Programming (ILP-93), April 1-3, Bled, Slovenia, 256-277.
Sinapova, L. and Z. Markov. Grammar Representation
and Parsing in a Data-Driven Logic Programming Environment, in: Proceedings
of AIMSA'92, Artificial Intelligence V, North-Holland, 151-159.
Markov, Z. An approach to Concept Learning Based
on Term Generalization, in: Proceeding of the 9th International Machine
Learning Conference (ML92), Aberdeen, Scotland, 1-3 July, Morgan Kaufman,
San Mateo CA, 1992, 310-315.
Markov, Z. A tool for building connectionist-like
networks based on term unification, in: M. Richter and H. Boley (eds.), Proceedings
of PDK'91, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.567, Springer-Verlag,
1991, 119-203.
Markov, Z. and Ch. Dichev. Distributed Logic Programming,
in: G. Wiggins, C. Mellish and T. Duncan (eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd
UK Annual Conference of Logic Programming, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1991
(Workshops in Computing, Springer-Verlag, 1991, 36-55).
Markov, Z. An Approach to Data-Driven Learning,
in: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Fundamentals of Artificial
Intelligence Research (FAIR'91), September 8-12, 1991, Smolenice, Czechoslovakia,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.535, Springer-Verlag, 1991, 127-140.
Sgurev V., D. Dochev, G. Agre, Ch. Dichev, Z.
Markov. Diagnostic Expert Systems For Digital Electronics, in: Proceedings
of the IFIP TC5/WG5.3 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence
in CIM, Leningrad, April 1990, North-Holland, 1991, 220-224.
Markov, Z. and Ch. Dichev. The Net-Clause Language
- A Tool for Data-Driven Inference, in: Logics in AI, Proceedings of European
Workshop JELIA'90, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 1990, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, Vol.478, Springer-Verlag, 1991, 366-385.
Markov, Z., L. Sinapova and Ch. Dichev. Default
reasoning in a network environment, in: Proceedings of the 9th European
Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI-90), August 6-10,1990, Stockholm,
Sweden, 431-436.
Markov, Z., C. Dichev and L. Sinapova. The Net-Clause
Language - a tool for describing network models, in: Proceedings of the
Eighth Canadian Conference on AI (CSCSI-90), 23-25 May, 1990, Ottawa,
Canada, 33-39.
Dichev, Ch., G. Agre, D. Dochev, Z.
Markov. Trigonometry Tutor, in: Proceedings of the Fourth International
Annual PEG Conference "Learning with Artificial Intelligence". Uppsala,
Sweden, June 16-18, 1989.
Markov Z., Th. Risse. Prolog Based Graph Representation
of Polyhedra, in: Proceedings of AIMSA'88, North-Holland,
1988, 187-194.
Sgurev, V., D. Dochev, Z. Markov,
Ch. Dichev, G. Agre. Knowledge representation in
CAD, in: I. Plander (ed.), Artificial Intelligence and Information-Control
Systems of Robots-87, North-Holland, 1987, 99-106.
Sgurev, V., D. Dochev, G. Agre, Ch.
Dichev, Z. Markov. Knowledge Acquisition and
Man-Machine Interface in the DIGS Expert System, in: Proceedings of AIMSA'86,
North-Holland, 1987, 281-288.
Markov, Z., D. Dochev, Ch. Dichev, G.
Agre. An Approach to Compiling Prolog Programs, in: Proceedings
of AIMSA'86, North-Holland, 1987, 47-54.
Messina, L.A., Z. Markov. Methodisches Evaluieren
von CAD- Systemen, Aktuelle Themen der Graphischen Datenverarbeitung, J.Enacarnacao
(Hrsg.). Springer-Verlag 1986, 277-294.
Hubner, W., Z. Markov. GKS Based Graphics
Programming in PROLOG. Computer Graphics Forum, Vol.5, No.1. North-Holland,
March 1986.
Sgurev, V., D. Dochev, Ch. Dichev, G. Agre, Z. Markov.
An approach to building a technical diagnostic expert system.
Computers and Artificial Intelligence, Vol.5(1986), No.2,
Bratislava, 103-115.
Agre, G., V. Sgurev, D. Dochev, Ch. Dichev, Z. Markov.
An implementation of the expert system DIGS for diagnostics, Computers
and Artificial Intelligence, Vol.4(1985), No.6, Bratislava,
Encarnacao, J., L.A.Messina, Z. Markov. Models
and Methods for Decision Support Systems for Evaluating and Choosing
CAD-Systems, in: Preprints of IFIP W.G.5.2 Working Conference
on Design Theory for CAD, Tokyo, October 1-3, 1985, 213-230.
Hubner, W., Z. Markov. Eine Graphik-Erweiterung
fur PROLOG auf der Grundlage von GKS, in: GI, OCG, OGI JAHRESTAGUNG 1985,
September, 1985, Wien, 16-20.
Sgurev, V., D. Dochev, Ch. Dichev, G. Agre, Z. Markov.
A Domain Independent Expert System for Technical Diagnostics, in: Proceedings
of AIMSA'84, North-Holland, 1985, 137-144.