CS 530 - Advanced Software Engineering

Security and Privacy

Reference: Sommerville, Engineering Software Products, Chapter 7


Software security

Software security should always be a high priority for product developers and their users. If you don't prioritize security, you and your customers will inevitably suffer losses from malicious attacks. In the worst case, these attacks could can put product providers out of business. If their product is unavailable or if customer data is compromised, customers are liable to cancel their subscriptions. Even if they can recover from the attacks, this will take time and effort that would have been better spent working on their software.

Operational security focuses on helping users to maintain security. User attacks try to trick users into disclosing their credentials or accessing a website that includes malware such as a key-logging system. Operational security procedures and practices include:

Attacks and defenses

Injection attacks are a type of attack where a malicious user uses a valid input field to input malicious code or database commands. These malicious instructions are then executed, causing some damage to the system. Code can be injected that leaks system data to the attackers. Common types of injection attack include buffer overflow attacks and SQL poisoning attacks.

SQL poisoning attacks are attacks on software products that use an SQL database. They take advantage of a situation where a user input is used as part of an SQL command. A malicious user uses a form input field to input a fragment of SQL that allows access to the database. The form field is added to the SQL query, which is executed and returns the information to the attacker.

Cross-site scripting attacks are another form of injection attack. An attacker adds malicious JavaScript code to the web page that is returned from a server to a client and this script is executed when the page is displayed in the user's browser. The malicious script may steal customer information or direct them to another website. This may try to capture personal data or display advertisements. Cookies may be stolen, which makes a session hijacking attack possible. As with other types of injection attack, cross-site scripting attacks may be avoided by input validation.

When a user authenticates themselves with a web application, a session is created. A session is a time period during which the user's authentication is valid. They don't have to re-authenticate for each interaction with the system. The authentication process involves placing a session cookie on the user's device. Session hijacking is a type of attack where an attacker gets hold of a session cookie and uses this to impersonate a legitimate user. There are several ways that an attacker can find out the session cookie value including cross-site scripting attacks and traffic monitoring. In a cross-site scripting attack, the installed malware sends session cookies to the attackers. Traffic monitoring involves attackers capturing the traffic between the client and server. The session cookie can then be identified by analysing the data exchanged.

Denial of service attacks are attacks on a software system that are intended to make that system unavailable for normal use. Distributed denial of service attacks (DDOS) are the most common type of denial of service attacks. These involve distributed computers, that have usually been hijacked as part of a botnet, sending hundreds of thousands of requests for service to a web application. There are so many service requests that legitimate users are denied access. Other types of denial of service attacks target application users. User lockout attacks take advantage of a common authentication policy that locks out a user after a number of failed authentication attempts. Their aim is to lock users out rather than gain access and so deny the service to these users. Users often use their email address as their login name so if an attacker has access to a database of email addresses, he or she can try to login using these addresses. If you don't lock accounts after failed validation, then attackers can use brute-force attacks on your system. If you do, you may deny access to legitimate users.

Brute force attacks are attacks on a web application where the attacker has some information, such as a valid login name, but does not have the password for the site. The attacker creates different passwords and tries to login with each of these. If the login fails, they then try again with a different password. Attackers may use a string generator that generates every possible combination of letters and numbers and use these as passwords. To speed up the process of password discovery, attackers take advantage of the fact that many users choose easy-to-remember passwords. They start by trying passwords from the published lists of the most common passwords. Brute force attacks rely on users setting weak passwords, so you can circumvent them by insisting that users set long passwords that are not in a dictionary or are common words.


Authentication is the process of ensuring that a user of your system is who they claim to be. You need authentication in all software products that maintain user information, so that only the providers of that information can access and change it. You also use authentication to learn about your users so that you can personalize their experience of using your product.

Authentication methods

Federated identity is an approach to authentication where you use an external authentication service. 'Login with Google' and 'Login with Facebook' are widely used examples of authentication using federated identity. The advantage of federated identity for a user is that they have a single set of credentials that are stored by a trusted identity service. Instead of logging into a service directly, a user provides their credentials to a known service who confirms their identity to the authenticating service. They don't have to keep track of different user ids and passwords. Because their credentials are stored in fewer places, the chances of a security breach where these are revealed is reduced.


Authentication involves a user proving their identity to a software system. Authorization is a complementary process in which that identity is used to control access to software system resources. For example, if you use a shared folder on Dropbox, the folder's owner may authorize you to read the contents of that folder, but not to add new files or overwrite files in the folder. When a business wants to define the type of access that users get to resources, this is based on an access control policy. This policy is a set of rules that define what information (data and programs) is controlled, who has access to that information and the type of access that is allowed.

Explicit access control policies are important for both legal and technical reasons. Data protection rules limit the access the personal data and this must be reflected in the defined access control policy. If this policy is incomplete or does not conform to the data protection rules, then there may be subsequent legal action in the event of a data breach. Technically, an access control policy can be a starting point for setting up the access control scheme for a system. For example, if the access control policy defines the access rights of students, then when new students are registered, they all get these rights by default.

Access control lists (ACLs) are used in most file and database systems to implement access control policies. Access control lists are tables that link users with resources and specify what those users are permitted to do. For example, for this book I would like to be able to set up an access control list to a book file that allows reviewers to read that file and annotate it with comments. However, they are not allowed to edit the text or to delete the file. If access control lists are based on individual permissions, then these can become very large. However, you can dramatically cut their size by allocating users to groups and then assigning permissions to the group


Encryption is the process of making a document unreadable by applying an algorithmic transformation to it. A secret key is used by the encryption algorithm as the basis of this transformation. You can decode the encrypted text by applying the reverse transformation. Modern encryption techniques are such that you can encrypt data so that it is practically uncrackable using currently available technology. However, history has demonstrated that apparently strong encryption may be crackable when new technology becomes available. If commercial quantum systems become available, we will have to use a completely different approach to encryption on the Internet.

In a symmetric encryption scheme, the same encryption key is used for encoding and decoding the information that is to be kept secret. If Alice and Bob wish to exchange a secret message, both must have a copy of the encryption key. Alice encrypts the message with this key. When Bob receives the message, he decodes it using the same key to read its contents. The fundamental problem with a symmetric encryption scheme is securely sharing the encryption key. If Alice simply sends the key to Bob, an attacker may intercept the message and gain access to the key. The attacker can then decode all future secret communications.

Asymmetric encryption does not require secret keys to be shared. An asymmetric encryption scheme uses different keys for encrypting and decrypting messages. Each user has a public and a private key. Messages may be encrypted using either key but can only be decrypted using the other key. Public keys may be published and shared by the key owner. Anyone can access and use a published public key. However, messages can only be decrypted by the user's private key so is only readable by the intended recipient

Asymmetric encryption can also be used to authenticate the sender of a message by encrypting it with a private key and decrypting it with the corresponding public key. Say Alice wants to send a message to Bob and she has a copy of his public key. However, she is not sure whether or not the public key that she has for Bob is correct and she is concerned that the message may be sent to the wrong person. Private/public key encryption can be used to verify Bob's identity. Bob uses his private key to encrypt a message and sends this to Alice. If it can be decrypted using Bob's public key, then Alice has the correct key.

The https protocol is a standard protocol for securely exchanging texts on the web. It is the standard http protocol plus an encryption layer called TLS (Transport Layer Security). This encryption layer is used for 2 things: to verify the identity of the web server; to encrypt communications so that they cannot be read by an attacker who intercepts the messages between the client and the server. TLS encryption depends on a digital certificate that is sent from the web server to the client. Digital certificates are issued by a certificate authority (CA), which is a trusted identity verification service. The CA encrypts the information in the certificate using their private key to create a unique signature. This signature is included in the certificate along with the public key of the CA. To check that the certificate is valid, you can decrypt the signature using the CA's public key.

The digital certificate that the server sends to the client includes the server's public key. The server also generates a long random number, encrypts it using its private key and sends this to the client. The client can then decrypt this using the server's public key and, in turn, generates its own long random number. It encrypts this number using the server's public key and sends it to the server, which decrypts the message using its private key. Both client and server then have two long random numbers. The agreed encryption method includes a way of generating an encryption key from these numbers. The client and server independently compute the key that will be used to encrypt subsequent messages using a symmetric approach. All client-server traffic is encrypted and decrypted using that computed key. There is no need to exchange the key itself.

As a product provider you inevitably store information about your users and, for cloud-based products, user data. Encryption can be used to reduce the damage that may occur from data theft. If information is encrypted, it is impossible, or very expensive, for thieves to access and use the unencrypted data.

Key management is the process of ensuring that encryption keys are securely generated, stored and accessed by authorized users. Businesses may have to manage tens of thousands of encryption keys so it is impractical to do key management manually and you need to use some kind of automated key management system (KMS). Key management is important because, if you get it wrong, unauthorized users may be able to access your keys and so decrypt supposedly private data. Even worse, if you lose encryption keys, then your encrypted data may be permanently inaccessible. A key management system (KMS) is a specialized database that is designed to securely store and manage encryption keys, digital certificates and other confidential information.

Business may be required by accounting and other regulations to keep copies of all of their data for several years. To reduce the risks of a security breach, encryption keys should be changed regularly. This means that archival data may be encrypted with a different key from the current data in your system. Therefore, key management systems must maintain multiple, timestamped versions of keys so that system backups and archives can be decrypted if required.


Privacy is a social concept that relates to the collection, dissemination and appropriate use of personal information held by a third-party such as a company or a hospital. The importance of privacy has changed over time and individuals have their own views on what degree of privacy is important. Culture and age also affect peoples' views on what privacy means. Younger people were early adopters of the first social networks and many of them seem to be less inhibited about sharing personal information on these platforms than older people. In some countries, the level of income earned by an individual is seen as a private matter; in others, all tax returns are openly published.

If you are offering a product directly to consumers and you fail to conform to privacy regulations, then you may be subject to legal action by product buyers or by a data regulator. If your conformance is weaker than the protection offered by data protection regulations in some countries, you won't be able to sell your product in these countries. If your product is a business product, business customers require privacy safeguards so that they are not put at risk of privacy violations and legal action by users. If personal information is leaked or misused, even if this is not seen as a violation of privacy regulations, this can lead to serious reputational damage. Customers may stop using your product because of this

In many countries, the right to individual privacy is protected by data protection laws. These laws limit the collection, dissemination and use of personal data to the purposes for which it was collected. For example, a travel insurance company may collect health information so that they can assess their level of risk. This is legal and permissible. However, it would not be legal for those companies to use this information to target online advertising of health products, unless their users had given specific permission for this.

You should to establish a privacy policy that defines how personal and sensitive information about users is collected, stored and managed. Software products use data in different ways, so your privacy policy has to define the personal data that you will collect and how you will use that data. Product users should be able to review your privacy policy and change their preferences regarding the information that you store. Your privacy policy is a legal document and it should be auditable to check that it is consistent with the data protection laws in countries where your software is sold. Privacy policies should not be expressed to users in a long 'terms and conditions' document that, in practice, nobody reads. The GDPR now require software companies to include a summary of their privacy policy, written in plain language rather than legal jargon, on their website.

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