CS 410/510 - Software Engineering Course Project - Spring 2024

Objective: design and implement a complex software system utilizing the skills acquired in this course

All grades are calculated out of 120 pts maximum

Note: all dates are subject to change

Project phases, deliverables, and due dates

This project must be completed by teams of three or four students using an agile process model.

Each deliverable must be submitted on or before the indicated due date. Teams will not be allowed to proceed to a subsequent project phase without submitting a satisfactory deliverable for the previous phase.

Each deliverable document must have a title page indicating the project title, deliverable name, team name and membership, and submission date.

The following will always be considered when grading your work in this course:

Project team info sheet (10 pts, due 1/24/24)

Get to know your team and make decisions about your own rules. Submit a PDF document containing the following:

Project proposal (10 pts, due 02/07/24)

Submit an essay (PDF, 2 pages max) describing the following:

System requirements (10 pts, due 02/21/24)

Submit a system requirements document (PDF with a UML use case diagram, no page limit) as described below:

Product backlog (10 pts, due 02/28/24)

Submit a detailed prioritized product backlog document (PDF, no page limit) as described below:

Development kick-off presentation (10 pts, due 03/06/24)

Each team will make an in-class presentation reflecting on the following:

Submit a PPT used for the in-class presentation. The presentation must be free of typos, readable and understandable by the audience, and neatly formatted (2 pts)

Sprint retrospectives/reviews and reports (4 x 5 pts each, due 03/25/24, 04/08/24, 04/22/24, 05/03/24)

During every in-class sprint retrospective/review, each team needs to present and address the following:

At the end of each sprint, submit a sprint report (PDF, no page limit) containing the following:

Project demonstration (40 pts, due 04/29/24, 05/01/24)

All software developed within this project must be successfully demonstrated in class. Each demonstration must be accompanied by a brief presentation explaining the nature/specifics of the project. Project demonstration grade will reflect the quality and degree of project completion.

User manual (10 pts, due 05/03/24)

Submit the user manual document (PDF, 2 pages minimum, not including the screenshots) as described below:

Grading, teamwork, and project completion

All deliverables will be graded as a result of work of the entire team. However, individual students may receive different grades based on the degree and quality of their involvement in the project. To facilitate the objectivity in grading, each student will be required to complete one or more confidential survey about the involvement of other members of his or her team in the project. This survey will be strictly confidential. Students who fail to complete a teamwork survey will receive a grade of zero for the entire course project.

Each course project is expected to meet customer requirements and be completed by the end of the semester. The degree to which the project meets original requirements will be determined by the project customer and the course instructor. In cases when the project requirements are not fully met, the team's project grade may be adjusted proportionally.