CCSU Fall, 2000 IMPORTANT PROJECT INFORMATION 1. WHAT TO HAND IN. Hand in a FOLDER--the kind with a pocket, you can buy them in the bookstore -- with YOUR NAME on it, containing in the pocket (1) printed copies of the text of all your classes, and (2) a 3.5" HD floppy disk with the .java and .class and .html files for your programs. Be sure your floppy disk also has YOUR NAME on it. 2. NAMING AND FORMATTING (1) To efficiently grade your porjects, I need for you to follow a CONSISTENT NAMING CONVENTION for files and classes. Suppose you are handing in problem 3.4 from the text. The problem concerns rainfall in Xanadu, so your class should probably be named something like Xanadu. Your .java file must then be named or your code won't compile. Your .class file will then automatically be named Xanadu.class by the Java compiler. Finally, because class Xanadu is an Applet, you need to include an HTML file so I can easily run your Applet. The HTML file MUST have the same first name as your .java and .class files, so I can figure out which HTML file goes with which classes. Thus your HTML file should be named Xanadu.html. (2) Each of your programs must begin with a remark box containing the following information, formatted as indicated: PROGRAMMER: Your name. DATE: Current date. COURSE: Course number and semester (CS 151, Spring 2000). PROJECT: Project number (eg. Project 1). PROBLEM: Problem number (eg. Problem 3.4). PROGRAM: Program name (use the class name). DESCRIPTION: A brief description of what the program does. FILES: The files and streams your program uses for input and output (stdIn, stdOut until the very end of the course.). LANGUAGE: Java JDK version you used (3) EACH project IS due AT THE BEGINNING OF CLASS on the assigned day. Don't skip the class to finish your work and then come dragging in just as class ends, because you will either miss a test or important information.