CS 570: Final exam questions The final exam will be held on December 18, 2002. It will contain two questions: - The first question will be a simple logical problem, which must be solved using KM* system OR forward chaining (similar to the one in the mid-term). - The second will be an essay-type question from the following list: 1. Describe the CPS. Explain its advantages and disadvantages. Discuss possible implementations (breadth-first, depth- first, best-first). 2. Describe PDIS -- compare them to forward chaining systems. Explain the pattern-matching mechanism. Explain how assertions and rules are represented in the TRE system. 3. Explain the KM* system (inference, entailment, proof procedure). How KM* system is implemented in TRE. Discuss the limitations of TRE as a framework for implementing KM*. 4. How FTRE extends TRE? Describe the stack-oriented context mechanism and point out its limitations. 5. What is a TMS -- what are its responsibilities in the problem solving process. How assertions and relations are described in the TMS framework? How TMS handles default reasoning? 6. Describe JTMS -- representation, labels, algorithms for updating the JTMS network. Monotonic vs non- monotonic JTMS. Describe dependency-directed backtracking and compare it to chronological backtracking. 7. Describe ATMS (representation, labels, update algorithms) Compare ATMS and JTMS. Explain the idea behind the model-based diagnosis as an alternative to rule-based diagnostic systems. Explain the Constraint satisfaction problem and how ATMS helps efficiently solve it.