CS 462 TEST # 2 Deadline: E-mail by Tuesday Noon, April 22, 2003. Everybody must do the work on her/his own. Problem 1: AIMA page 294 / 9.4 Problem 2: AIMA page 295 / 9.9 (a, b, c, d, e ONLY) Problem 3: Assume that you are hired to build a KBS for someone who is not familiar with these systems, but believes that this might be a good solution for his problem. As a knowledge engineer, your first task obviously is to find out whether the problem domain is indeed suitable for such an application. Explain how you are going to do that, i.e. how to distinguish between "good" and "bad" domains. Explain what an ontological engineering is. Explain the difference between "shallow" and "deep" knowledge, and between "diagnostic" and "model-based" KBSs. Give examples to illustrate your answer. Problem 4. Consider the following set of sentences: 1. Brian is a lawyer. Lawyer(Brian) 2. All lawyers are rich. for all x, Lawyer(x) => Rich(x) 3. All rich people have big houses. for all x, h (house(h,x) & rich(x) => big(h)) 4. All big houses are a lot of work to maintain. for all h (big(h) & there exist y, such that house(h,y) => work(h)) Prove work(house-of(Brian)). Hint: Assume that all people have houses, i.e. for all x, house(house-of(x), x).