example(1, mammal, [has_covering=hair, milk=t, homeothermic=t, habitat=land, eggs=f, gills=f]). example(2, mammal, [has_covering=none, milk=t, homeothermic=t, habitat=sea, eggs=f, gills=f]). example(3, mammal, [has_covering=hair, milk=t, homeothermic=t, habitat=sea, eggs=t, gills=f]). example(4, mammal, [has_covering=hair, milk=t, homeothermic=t, habitat=air, eggs=f, gills=f]). example(5, fish, [has_covering=scales, milk=f, homeothermic=f, habitat=sea, eggs=t, gills=t]). example(6, reptile, [has_covering=scales, milk=f, homeothermic=f, habitat=land, eggs=t, gills=f]). example(7, reptile, [has_covering=scales, milk=f, homeothermic=f, habitat=sea, eggs=t, gills=f]). example(8, bird, [has_covering=feathers, milk=f, homeothermic=t, habitat=air, eggs=t, gills=f]). example(9, bird, [has_covering=feathers, milk=f, homeothermic=t, habitat=land, eggs=t, gills=f]). example(10,amphibian,[has_covering=none, milk=f, homeothermic=f, habitat=land, eggs=t, gills=f]). /* Convert nominal attributes into structural (for vs.pl) */ /* Make sure only one of the following taxonomies is not commented */ /* In fact, there must be as many taxonomies as attributes, but if no */ /* experiment generation is used, they all can share the root node (?) */ /* Use this taxonomy if no experiment generation is used */ son(hair,?). son(none,?). son(scales,?). son(feathers,?). son(land,?). son(sea,?). son(air,?). son(t,?). son(f,?). /* Use this taxonomy if experiment generation is used son(hair,any_covering). son(none,any_covering). son(scales,any_covering). son(feathers,any_covering). son(land,any_habitat). son(sea,any_habitat). son(air,any_habitat). son(t,any_value). son(f,any_value). */