%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Luger, G.F and W. A. Stubblefield. % Artificial Intelligence: Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem % Solving, Benjamin/Cummings, Redwood City, California, second edition, 1993. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % solve/2 succeeds with % argument 1 bound to a goal proven true using the current knowledge base % argument 2 bound to the confidence in that goal. % % solve/2 calls solve/4 with appropriate arguments. After solve/4 has completed, % it writes the conclusions and prints a trace. solve(Goal, CF) :- print_instructions, retractall(known(_, _)), solve(Goal, CF, [], 20). %solve/4 succeeds with % argument 1 bound to a goal proven true using the current knowledge base % argument 2 bound to the confidence in that goal. % argument 3 bound to the current rule stack % argument 4 bound to the threshold for pruning rules. % %solve/4 is the heart of exshell. In this version, I have gone back to the % simpler version. It still has problems with negation, but I think that % this is more a result of problems with the semantics of Stanford Certainty % factors than a bug in the program. % The pruning threshold will vary between 0.2 and -0.2, depending whether, % we are trying to prove the current goal true or false. % solve/4 handles conjunctive predicates, rules, user queries and negation. % If a predicate cannot be solved using rules, it will call it as a PROLOG predicate. % Case 1: truth value of goal is already known solve(Goal, CF, _, Threshold) :- known(Goal, CF),!, above_threshold(CF, Threshold). % Case 2: negated goal solve( not(Goal), CF, Rules, Threshold) :- !, invert_threshold(Threshold, New_threshold), solve(Goal, CF_goal, Rules, New_threshold), negate_cf(CF_goal, CF). % Case 3: conjunctive goals solve((Goal_1,Goal_2), CF, Rules, Threshold) :- !, solve(Goal_1, CF_1, Rules, Threshold), above_threshold(CF_1, Threshold), solve(Goal_2, CF_2, Rules, Threshold), above_threshold(CF_2, Threshold), and_cf(CF_1, CF_2, CF). %Case 4: backchain on a rule in knowledge base solve(Goal, CF, Rules, Threshold) :- rule((Goal :- (Premise)), CF_rule), solve(Premise, CF_premise, [rule((Goal :- Premise), CF_rule)|Rules], Threshold), rule_cf(CF_rule, CF_premise, CF), above_threshold(CF, Threshold). %Case 5: fact assertion in knowledge base solve(Goal, CF, _, Threshold) :- rule(Goal, CF), above_threshold(CF, Threshold). % Case 6: ask user solve(Goal, CF, Rules, Threshold) :- askable(Goal), askuser(Goal, CF, Rules),!, assert(known(Goal, CF)), above_threshold(CF, Threshold). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Certainty factor predicates. Currently, these implement a variation of % the MYCIN certainty factor algebra. % The certainty algebra may be changed by modifying these predicates. % negate_cf/2 % argument 1 is a certainty factor % argument 2 is the negation of that certainty factor negate_cf(CF, Negated_CF) :- Negated_CF is -1 * CF. % and_cf/3 % arguments 1 & 2 are certainty factors of conjoined predicates % argument 3 is the certainty factor of the conjunction and_cf(A, B, A) :- A =< B. and_cf(A, B, B) :- B < A. %rule_cf/3 % argument 1 is the confidence factor given with a rule % argument 2 is the confidence inferred for the premise % argument 3 is the confidence inferred for the conclusion rule_cf(CF_rule, CF_premise, CF) :- CF is round(CF_rule * CF_premise/100). %above_threshold/2 % argument 1 is a certainty factor % argument 2 is a threshold for pruning % % If the threshold, T, is positive, assume we are trying to prove the goal % true. Succeed if CF >= T. % If T is negative, assume we are trying to prove the goal % false. Succeed if CF <= T. above_threshold(CF, T) :- T >= 0, CF >= T. above_threshold(CF, T) :- T < 0, CF =< T. %invert_threshold/2 % argument 1 is a threshold % argument 2 is that threshold inverted to account for a negated goal. % % If we are trying to prove not(p), then we want to prove p false. % Consequently, we should prune proofs of p if they cannot prove it % false. This is the role of threshold inversion. invert_threshold(Threshold, New_threshold) :- New_threshold is -1 * Threshold. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Predicates to handle user interactions. As is typical, these % constitute the greatest bulk of the program. % % askuser/3 % argument 1 is a goal whose truth is to be asked of the user. % argument 2 is the confidence the user has in that goal % argument 3 is the current rule stack (used for why queries). % % askuser prints the query, followed by a set of instructions. % it reads the response and calls respond/4 to handle that response askuser(Goal, CF, Rules) :- nl,write('User query:'), write(Goal), nl, write('? '), read(Answer), respond(Answer,Goal, CF, Rules). %respond/4 % argument 1 is the user response % argument 2 is the goal presented to the user % argument 3 is the CF obtained for that goal % argument 4 is the current rule stack (used for why queries). % % The basic scheme of respond/4 is to examine the response and return % the certainty for the goal if possible. % If the response is a why query, how query, etc., it processes the query % and then calls askuser to re prompt the user. % Case 1: user enters a valid confidence factor. respond(CF, _, CF, _) :- number(CF), CF =< 100, CF >= -100. % Case 2: user enters a why query respond(why, Goal, CF, [Rule|Rules]) :- write_rule(Rule), askuser(Goal, CF, Rules). respond(why, Goal, CF, []) :- write('Back to top of rule stack.'), askuser(Goal, CF, []). % Case 3: User enters a how query. Build and print a proof respond(how(X), Goal, CF, Rules) :- build_proof(X, CF_X, Proof),!, write(X), write(' was concluded with certainty '), write(CF_X), nl,nl, write('The proof is '),nl,nl, write_proof(Proof, 0), nl,nl, askuser(Goal, CF, Rules). % User enters how query, could not build proof respond(how(X), Goal, CF, Rules):- write('The truth of '), write(X), nl, write('is not yet known.'), nl, askuser(Goal, CF, Rules). %Case 4: Unrecognized input respond(_, Goal,CF, Rules) :- write('Unrecognized response.'),nl, askuser(Goal, CF, Rules). %build_proof/3 % argument 1 is the goal being traced. % argument 2 is the CF of that goal % argument 3 is the proof tree % % build_proof does not do threshold pruning, so it can show % the proof for even goals that would not succeed. build_proof(Goal, CF, ((Goal,CF) :- given)) :- known(Goal, CF),!. build_proof(not(Goal), CF, not(Proof)) :- !, build_proof(Goal, CF_goal, Proof), negate_cf(CF_goal, CF). build_proof((Goal_1, Goal_2), CF, (Proof_1, Proof_2)) :- !, build_proof(Goal_1, CF_1, Proof_1), build_proof(Goal_2, CF_2, Proof_2), and_cf(CF_1, CF_2, CF). build_proof(Goal, CF, ((Goal,CF) :- Proof)) :- rule((Goal :- (Premise)), CF_rule), build_proof(Premise, CF_premise, Proof), rule_cf(CF_rule, CF_premise, CF). build_proof(Goal, CF, ((Goal, CF):- fact)) :- rule(Goal, CF). % write_proof/2 % argument 1 is a portion of a proof tree % argument 2 is the depth of that portion (for indentation) % % writes out a proof tree in a readable format write_proof(((Goal,CF) :- given), Level) :- indent(Level), write(Goal), write(' CF= '), write(CF), write(' was given by the user'), nl,!. write_proof(((Goal, CF):- fact), Level) :- indent(Level), write(Goal), write(' CF= '), write(CF), write(' was a fact in the knowledge base'), nl,!. write_proof(((Goal,CF) :- Proof), Level) :- indent(Level), write(Goal), write(' CF= '), write(CF), write(' :-'), nl, New_level is Level + 1, write_proof(Proof, New_level),!. write_proof(not(Proof), Level) :- indent(Level), write('not'),nl, New_level is Level + 1, write_proof(Proof, New_level),!. write_proof((Proof_1, Proof_2), Level) :- write_proof(Proof_1, Level), write_proof(Proof_2, Level),!. % indent/1 % argument 1 is the number of units to indent indent(0). indent(I) :- write(' '), I_new is I - 1, indent(I_new). % write_rule/1 % argument 1 is a rule specification % writes out the rule in a readable format write_rule(rule((Goal :- (Premise)), CF)) :- write(Goal), write(':-'), nl, write_premise(Premise),nl, write('CF = '), write(CF), nl. write_rule(rule(Goal, CF)) :- write(Goal),nl, write('CF = '), write(CF), nl. % write_premise % argument 1 is a rule premise % writes it in a readable format. write_premise((Premise_1, Premise_2)) :- !, write_premise(Premise_1), write_premise(Premise_2). write_premise(not(Premise)) :- !, write(' '), write(not),write(' '), write(Premise),nl. write_premise(Premise) :- write(' '), write(Premise),nl. %print_instructions/0 % Prints all options for user responses print_instructions :- nl, write('Response must be either:'), nl, write(' A confidence in the truth of the query.'), nl, write(' This is a number between -100 and 100.'), nl, write(' why.'),nl, write(' how(X), where X is a goal'),nl.