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Chapter Thirteen listings: 4 classes

public class CompOp  // collecting various sorting algorithms


     /** Precondition:  size <= item.length; item[0]...item[size-1]
      *  are non-null values all Comparable to each other.
      *  Postcondition: The array contains the values it initially
      *  had but with item[0]...item[size-1] in ascending order. */

     public static void selectionSort (Comparable[] item, int size)
     {    for (int k = 0;  k < size - 1;  k++)
               swapMinToFront (item, k, size - 1);
     }    //=======================

     private static void swapMinToFront (Comparable[] item, 
                                         int start, int end)
     {    int indexSmallest = start;
          for (int k = start + 1;  k <= end;  k++)
          {    if (item[k].compareTo (item[indexSmallest]) < 0)
                    indexSmallest = k;
          Comparable saved = item[start];
          item[start] = item[indexSmallest];
          item[indexSmallest] = saved;
     }    //=======================

     /** Return the smallest value in item[start]...item[end]. */

     public static Comparable findMinimum (Comparable[ ] item, 
                                           int start, int end)
     {    Comparable smallestSoFar = item[start];
          for (int k = start + 1;  k <= end;  k++)
          {    if (item[k].compareTo (smallestSoFar) < 0)
                    smallestSoFar = item[k];
          return smallestSoFar;
     }    //=======================

     /**  Return the median of 3000 random double values. */

     public static double median()        // independent
     {    final int numToSort = 3000;
          Double[] item = new Double [numToSort];
          for (int k = 0;  k < numToSort;  k++)
               item[k] = new Double (Math.random());
          selectionSort (item, numToSort);
          return item[numToSort / 2].doubleValue();
     }    //=======================


     /** Precondition:  size <= item.length; item[0]...item[size-1]
      *  are non-null values all Comparable to each other.
      *  Postcondition: The array contains the values it initially
      *  had but with item[0]...item[size-1] in ascending order. */

     public static void insertionSort (Comparable[] item, int size)
     {    for (int k = 1;  k < size;  k++)
               insertInOrder (item, k);
     }    //=======================

     private static void insertInOrder (Comparable[] item, int m)
     {    Comparable save = item[m];
          for (;  m > 0 && item[m - 1].compareTo (save) > 0;  m--)
               item[m] = item[m - 1];
          item[m] = save;
     }    //=======================


     /** Precondition:  item[0]...item[size-1] are all non-null,
      *  in ascending order, and Comparable with target.
      *  Returns: whether target is one of the array values. */

     public static boolean binarySearch (Comparable[] item, 
                               int size, Comparable target)
     {    if (size <= 0)                                         //1
               return false;                                     //2
          int lowerBound = 0;                                    //3
          int upperBound = size - 1;                             //4
          while (lowerBound < upperBound)                        //5
          {    int midPoint = (lowerBound + upperBound) / 2;     //6
               if (item[midPoint].compareTo (target) < 0)        //7
                    lowerBound = midPoint + 1;                   //8
               else                                              //9
                    upperBound = midPoint;                       //10
          }                                                      //11
          return item[lowerBound].equals (target);               //12
     }    //=======================


     public static void insertionSort (Comparable[] item, int size)
     {    if (size > 1)
          {    insertionSort (item, size - 1);                //recur
               insertInOrder (item, size - 1);
     }    //=======================

     public static void selectionSort (Comparable[] item, int size)
     {    if (size > 1)
          {    swapMaxToRear (item, 0, size - 1);
               selectionSort (item, size - 1);                //recur
     }    //=======================

     public static void printBinary (String prefix, int numDigits)
     {    if (numDigits <= 1)
               System.out.println (prefix + "0\n" + prefix + "1");
          {    printBinary (prefix + "0", numDigits - 1);     //recur
               printBinary (prefix + "1", numDigits - 1);     //recur
     }    //=======================


     /** Precondition:  size <= item.length; item[0]...item[size-1]
      *  are non-null values all Comparable to each other.
      *  Postcondition: The array contains the values it initially
      *  had but with item[0]...item[size-1] in ascending order. */

     public static void quickSort (Comparable[] item, int size)
     {    new QuickSorter (item).sort (0, size - 1);
     }    //=======================

     /** Precondition:  size <= item.length; item[0]...item[size-1]
      *  are non-null values all Comparable to each other.
      *  Postcondition: The array contains the values it initially
      *  had but with item[0]...item[size-1] in ascending order. */

     public static void mergeSort (Comparable[] item, int size)
     {    Comparable[] spare = new Comparable [item.length];
          new MergeSorter (item, spare).sort (0, size - 1);
     }    //=======================


     /** Precondition:  size <= item.length; item[0]...item[size-1]
      *  are non-null values all Comparable to each other.
      *  Postcondition: The array contains the values it initially
      *  had but with item[0]...item[size-1] in ascending order. */

     public static void mergeSortBy2s (Comparable[] item, int size)
     {    int jump = 1;
          while (jump * 2 < size)
               jump *= 2;
          for ( ; jump >= 1;  jump /= 2)
               sortGroups (item, size, jump);
     }    //=======================

     private static void sortGroups(Comparable[] item, int size, 
                                                       int jump)
     {    for (int k = jump;  k < size;  k++)
               insertInOrder (item, k, jump);  // left as an exercise
     }    //=======================
} // END OF CompOp

public class QuickSorter
     private Comparable[] itsItem;  // the array to be sorted

     public QuickSorter (Comparable[] item)
     {    itsItem = item;
     }    //=======================

     /** Precondition: start <= end; itsItem[start]...itsItem[end]
      *  are the Comparable values to be sorted. */

     public void sort (int start, int end)
     {    if (start < end)                                       //1
          {    int mid = split (start, end);                     //2
               sort (start, mid - 1);                            //3
               sort (mid + 1, end);                              //4
          }                                                      //5
     }    //=======================

     private int split (int lo, int hi)
     {    Comparable pivot = itsItem[lo];                        //6
          boolean lookHigh = true;                               //7
          while (lo < hi)                                        //8
          {    if (lookHigh)                                     //9
               {    if (itsItem[hi].compareTo (pivot) >= 0)      //10
                         hi--;                                   //11
                    else                                         //12
                    {    itsItem[lo++] = itsItem[hi];            //13
                         lookHigh = false;                       //14
                    }                                            //15
               }                                                 //16
               else                                              //17
               {    if (itsItem[lo].compareTo (pivot) <= 0)      //18
                         lo++;                                   //19
                    else                                         //20
                    {    itsItem[hi--] = itsItem[lo];            //21
                         lookHigh = true;                        //22
                    }                                            //23
               }                                                 //24
          }                                                      //25
          itsItem[lo] = pivot;                                   //26
          return lo;                                             //27
     }    //=======================

public class MergeSorter
     private Comparable[] itsItem;  // the array to be sorted 
     private Comparable[] itsSpare; // spare to facilitate sorting 

     public MergeSorter (Comparable[] item, Comparable[] spare)
     {    itsItem = item;
          itsSpare = spare;
     }    //=======================

     public void sort (int start, int end)
     {    if (start < end)                                          //1
          {    int mid = (start + end) / 2;                         //2
               sortToSpare (start, mid);                            //3
               sortToSpare (mid + 1, end);                          //4
               merge(itsSpare, itsItem, start, mid, mid + 1, end);  //5
          }                                                         //6
     }    //=======================

     private void sortToSpare (int start, int end)
     {    if (start >= end)                                         //7
               itsSpare[start] = itsItem[start];                    //8
          else                                                      //9
          {    int mid = (start + end) / 2;                         //10
               sort (start, mid);                                   //11
               sort (mid + 1, end);                                 //12
               merge(itsItem, itsSpare, start, mid, mid + 1, end);  //13
          }                                                         //14
     }    //=======================

     private void merge (Comparable[] from, Comparable[] into, 
                         int lo, int mid, int hi, int end)
     {    for (int spot = lo;  spot <= end;  spot++)                //15
          {    if (lo > mid || (hi <= end                           //16
                           && from[lo].compareTo (from[hi]) > 0))   //17
                    into[spot] = from[hi++];                        //18
               else                                                 //19
                    into[spot] = from[lo++];                        //20
          }                                                         //21
     }    //=======================

class WorkerByBirth implements Comparable
     private static int theNumComps = 0;
     private Object itsWorker;

     public WorkerByBirth (Object given)
     {    itsWorker = given;
     }    //=======================

     public int compareTo (Object ob)
     {    theNumComps++;
          return ((Worker) itsWorker).getBirthYear() 
                          - ((Worker) ob).getBirthYear();
     }    //=======================

     public static int numComps (Object[] givenArray, int size)
     {    Comparable[] tempArray = new Comparable [size];
          for (int k = 0;  k < size;  k++)
               tempArray[k] = new WorkerByBirth (given[k]);
          theNumComps = 0;
          CompOp.insertionSort (tempArray, size);
          for (int k = 0;  k < size;  k++)
               given[k] = tempArray[k].itsWorker;
          return theNumComps;
     }    //=======================

All information Copyright (c)1999 - Dr. William C. Jones, Jr.
Layout and Design Copyright © Psumonix, LLC. All Rights Reserved.