/* Dataset for FOIL */ /* Parameters to be passed to the learning system */ foil_predicates([husband/2, father/2, mother/2, child/2]). % predicates in BK and examples % foil_cwa(false). % explicit negative examples are provided below foil_cwa(true). % CWA /* Definitions of background knowledge and examples */ husband(christopher, penelope). husband(andrew, christine). husband(arthur, margaret). husband(charles, jennifer). father(andrew, james). father(christopher, arthur). mother(christine, jennifer). mother(penelope, victoria). child(james, andrew). child(arthur, christopher). child(jennifer, christine). child(victoria, penelope). child(james, christine). child(arthur, penelope). /* Negative examples */ neg(child(arthur, andrew)). neg(child(margaret, christine)). neg(child(arthur, margaret)).